This summer has been by far one of the best summers in a while. Even though its still been a summer of transition, its also been a summer of adventures and exploring, relaxing, and just enjoying each other's company. We have also been growing (as a family and on a personal level).
We are soaking in all that it means to be a family of three, because in five or so weeks this will be no more. I am over the moon about meeting my little boy, but I find myself being more intentional about enjoying one-on-one time with Little Mama.
I think we can all sense the winds of change, because Little Mama has been extra needy.
She clings to me and throws fits like never before; I think she can sense Mama is tired and Tiny Mr. M. is getting ready to steal some of the spotlight. She needn't worry, there is enough attention to go around. We've talked to her about her brother, and while I have no idea if she gets it, sometimes she comes up to my belly and gives it a kiss while saying her brother's name. I'm taking this as the beginning of a wonderful friendship.
Mr. M. and I have also been trying to be more intentional about our relationship. It was so easy to be just the two of us; running around from here to there on a whim, enjoying random dates or long chats at the local coffee shop. It goes without saying that becoming a parent changes these dynamics, and one has to try harder to fit these things in.
One part of our being more intentional is our decision to become the "youth leaders" at our church. This happened about 3 months ago, and while it might seem a bit counterintuitive that one more activity dedicated to giving our time to others would bring us closer together, it really has. We meet the youth every other week and do some study/reflection time for a couple hours; we involve ourselves in their spiritual and mental development, and all the while Mr. M. and I deepen our relationship with each other and our Creator. Its been an amazing experience. Through intentional time of study in the Bible, long chats about core values, what we believe community means, and some fighting about important and not so important details we have come closer in our love for one another. Through time reflecting about where we believe the youth are headed in their relationship with our Maker and their community Mr. M. and I have come to appreciate and understand each other a bit more every week.
My little family is growing. Soon enough we will be a family of four!
Its all very exciting, and I just know that Tiny Mr. M. will be a perfect fit. He will push us to a new limit, change our hearts and we will wonder how we ever lived without him.
Here is to the next five weeks going by as quickly as they should!
BTW these photos where taken by me (on my remote controlled shutter release camera mounted on a tripod and by my little sister Lori Garcia). They are amazing!